Mind Over Body

Katy Custer

Katy Custer, married to Rob Custer since 2001, is a mother of two children Isabelle, 21yrs. and Joel 16 yrs. She loves being a mom, loves her dogs, and has a passion for the youth and helping them understand the importance of relying on God for support, love and understanding.  She is the Youth Pastor at Awakening Church ordained through CI; Christian International, specializing counsel for parent to youth relations and the misunderstood and overlooked community. 

She was one of the misunderstood. At 7yrs. Isabelle, Katy’s daughter,  was presenting with unrecognizable and untraceable symptoms of mental, emotional and physical strain to the point of complete breakdown in all three areas. Each time her body would react to this breakdown, she seemed to be left with more anxiety and deeper panic disorder, this was scary for her and the entire family.   With no answers and many trial and errors, Katy looked for and found a nugget that led her to the expertise that would listen to the one and only thing that may be describing these mental breakdowns and constant sickness found rampant in her child. This is a condition called PANDAS, Pediatric AutoImmune, Neurological, Disorder, Associated with Strepticolli, Her own body, because of Strep, was attacking her brain.

 “I thank God for my doctor that allowed for the blood test, nutrient tests, probiotics and antibiotics in order to stop the virus instead of psych meds, as her body was presenting as if she was in need of a psych evaluation when she got sick.  My daughter was misunderstood by the medical professionals and pushed off to the “unexplained” category.”  -Katy

It took one doctor that believed in looking further that helped set Isabelle free from her  brain on fire, constant attack.  So when Katy’s good friend, Melodie Reboira, cried out to share her son, Angelo, was also misunderstood and needed someone to hear her story, she listened. Blown away by Angelo’s, nonspeaking autism, story (see full bio on mobstrog.com) she felt called to help other mothers and children that are misunderstood, overlooked and mistreated because of a condition that is not yet recognizable for what it is. As this felt like the  missing piece to the brain body disconnect for typical and neurodiverse individuals, she merged her 20 years of experience and went back to school to become a practitioner for Communication needs for motor impaired individuals. With her new found love of open communication and education for those who are otherwise overlooked and left out she went into business with her family and started Mind Over Body GYM, LLC.

With a devotion to provide support and understanding beyond what is seen Katy became a Certified Spelling to Communicate Practitioner,  trained with a 2 year certification by I-ASC and completed her internship at Growing Kids Therapy Center in Herndon, VA. Taking part in an additional 8 week zoomed training course led by Dana Johnson and Melanie Conway, she feels closer to understanding how to coach an overstimulated body allowing for more regulation and success with each given moment of understanding how to coach these needs. She loves the opportunity to gain daily hands-on experience, as she is one of the primary directors of the CRP Age Appropriate education MOB Program. 

Katy has run all youth programs for Awakening church, has a special interest in helping underestimated individuals bringing solutions with innovation, biomedical resolution and understanding of the brain and body per individual needs.. 

She is certified in CPR and First Aid,  and is noted as a first responder. Also registered with the State of Ohio and certified as a Director of Operations, DOO and an Independent Provider with the DODD in multiple surrounding Counties.  

Katy is ready to build awareness and is open to opportunities to bring this message to others through creative outlets, networking and being the voice for the otherwise unheard, she has partnered with Angelo’s Angels for Communication (read full bio io mobstrong.com) to help relieve families of financial burden.  

“It is our goa,l to remove as many barriers as possible, for nonspeakers and individuals with limited speech to receive support.  We will stand on Faith as we look for Funds, Friends and Freedom for these individuals”  

          -Katy Custer